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18-B Highway Apts
Ghazipur, Delhi, India




Reiki is an energy healing technique. You do it with hands. But you also do it with the power of your mind. If you want to heal, you can. If you don't, you won't. 

This workshop is for those who wish to learn to heal. It is also for those who are curious to know what it is. The skeptics are also welcome because you need not be a staunch believer in this healing therapy to learn it. Once you learn it, you realize the astounding powers of energies. Then you start believing it. 

reiki training in new delhi

Highlights of the workshop:

  • Discussion on Healing: Reiki Healing, Protection, Practical on Partner Healing, Distant Healing (Short and full form)
  • Techniques of Reiki
  • Programming Reiki - Self /Others
  • Intention Reiki
  • Reiki Box
  • Creating Future
  • Healing Relationships
  • Mental Method of Healing
  • Healing Tensions
  • Aura Loosening/Scanning Chakras
  • Aura Cleaning - Self /Others - Reiki Methods/ Non-Reiki Methods, Vertebra Healing - Self / Others.
  • Simple Chakra Balancing - Self/Others - Touch and Distant
  • Front and Back Chakra Balancing - Bipolar
  • Pair Chakra Balancing
  • Different Types of Balancing


Freebies included in this workshop:

Lunch and Tea


Don't wait for life to change. Change it yourselves. Do Reiki. 

The first step: attend the workshop


About the organizers/facilitators

  • Rajkumar Goel has been practicing Reiki since 2000.

    He is a postgraduate in physics. This helps him to analyze any situation logically and scientifically. He applies all his scientific skills to research on Reiki. He uses various techniques like Angel Therapy, White Dragon Therapy, Magic Reiki, etc. to heal a situation or a person, make them a positive thinker, and to find their inner joy.

    After learning Reiki he saw its amazing results on physical, mental, and emotional levels. He believes that everyone is eligible to have an abundance of health and wealth through Reiki. A humanitarian by heart, he uses Reiki for the betterment of humankind. He has chosen to dedicate his life to the spiritual healing of society. He always conducts his sessions by putting his faith in the universal life force energy.

    According to him, Reiki is about love and light. The universe takes care of you, once you open your eyes to see the unseen. He is a motivational guide. He has also done his Master's Diploma in Sujok (Acupressure).


  • 18-B Highway Apts, Ghazipur, Delhi, India


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