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The School for Reengineering Consciuosness
Sarita Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi, India




About the Workshop:

It’s a tremendous privilege to raise children, though for a quite different reason than most of us who are parents imagine. While we think it is our responsibility to mold and shape our children’s future, the essential premise to be understood is that our children are born to us to create deep internal transformation within us. This workshop is a call to all Parents who are seeking to develop a deeper connection with our children; allowing our children to shine and dazzle with their natural state of being. This unique experience of parenting has a strong influence on our self-discovery.

As we Parent our child, in this discovery of one’s spiritual dimension. A journey towards inner peace of the mind, and heart. The workshop presents you a model to empower our children to harness their unique spiritual expression and nurturing them to calibrate their emotional compass to become stronger, more resilient and skilled at dealing with life as adults. During this process, parents themselves re-discover the value that being mindful can provide to each one’s life, giving it a meaning beyond the obvious daily routine of existence. It is a step towards establishing a life filled with harmony, peace, happiness and stability within ourselves and with our children.

Once it is assimilated, Conscious Spiritual Parenting becomes a wonderful self -revealing soul journey in which both – the parent and the child anchor, learn and support each other for an empowered lifestyle.

Who should attend this course?

It is most certainly for you and for all those who are: Parents to be, Parents of very young children; Parents of teens; Working mothers; Expectant parents; Parents whose children have left home; Single parents; Grandparents; Therapists, Healers & Health professionals.

This is not just another parenting workshop with advice on do’s and don’ts. Neither is this a spiritual instruction manual. This is a journey of a lost soul finally anchoring on to its path of purpose. This is a journey of a parent seeking to find wholeness within. It is a life-changing online course/workshop on Parenting that will transform your idea about parenting and relationship with your child forever. If you want to manifest a great relationship with your child, if you want to be a better parent, if you want to raise your consciousness and if you want to help your child achieve his/her highest potential, you must not miss this life-transforming workshop!

USP of this Workshop:

• 30+ Power-packed Lessons
• 10 + Exercises on Self Discovery & Inner Child Healing, Guided meditations for deeper inquiry, Inner Child Healing, Affirmations, Creative Visualization and harvesting seed potential of the child
• Setting realistic expectations from & for the child
• Empowering children to become more resilient and handle stress – life at large!

Course Curriculum:
Day 0: Setting the intentions exercise

Day 1:
a) Exercise: What is your biggest challenge when it comes to parenting your child?
b) The Actual Challenge for Today’s Parents 
c) Changing the Parenting Paradigm 
d) What is Conscious Parenting + What does it mean to be a Conscious Parent 
e) Mistakes of Unconscious Parenting

Day 2:
a) Honoring our Children 
b) Our Emotional Legacy 
c) Understanding the Disconnection 
d) How being ‘Right’ is too wrong? 
e) Exercise
f) The Ego-Self 
g) Unconditional Acceptance & Love 
h) Perfect Parenting and Unconditioned Love 
i) Conscious parenting in the Tween and Teen years 
j) Conscious Parenting for Teens. Control Vs Space when teens are acting out.

Day 3:
a) Creating boundaries with our children
b) Modeling Behavior Vs Setting Rules
c) Entering the Feeling 
d) Understanding Pain and Navigating through Child’s Emotional Pain 
e) Approvals 
f) Exercise

Day 4:
a) How the wounds of the past affect our parenting style 
b) Connecting with the Child by Connecting with ourselves + Why parenting advice never works 
c) Children trigger Parent’s insecurities 
d) Exercise

Day 5: 2+ Exercises
Day 6: 2+ Exercises

Day 7: 2+ Exercises

Day 8: 
a) What it means to truly accept your child 
b What is Spiritual Discipline 
c) Finding Balance & Harmony with Technology 
d) Optimum Schedule for the Child 
e) Fixing Bullying 
f) The reason behind Homework struggles 
g) Managing over consumerization 
h) How to end your suffering 
i) One advises to every Mother 
j) Recap: Be the Best Parent You Can Be 
k) Key Lessons in Conscious Parenting

Register before 5 July and get the following Freebies worth Rs 1800/-

• Simple means to make your child listen to you (Freebie printable)
• Powerful ways you can help your child during a violent time (Freebie printable)
• Ways to an Awakened Parent (Freebie printable)
• Qualities of a Conscious Parent (Freebie printable)
• Questions every child should as (Freebie printable)
• Lessons only our child can teach us (Freebie printable)
• 12 ways to help your child soar (Freebie printable)

About the organizers/facilitators

  • Karishma Manchanda is a Fitness Instructor for your Soul
    Master Trainer & Spiritual Life Coach

    Karishma is an MBA Grad, with over a decade of corporate experience. After designing countless training programs for corporates, she now conducts various courses that can help people re-write their life script. Karishma is also a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist ( California Hypnosis Institute, USA) and is well versed with concepts of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Past Life Therapy, Age Regression, Inner Child Healing, Birth Matrix Reimprinting, Energy Medicine, Theta Healing, Serenity Surrender, Chakra Balancing, Reiki, NLP, etc.

    Her zest to understand more on Life Script has led her to explore deeper concepts of Life Between Lives and study Soul Contracts. Her passion to help people heal themselves made her develop a series of workshops that have the power to transform and empower them to live the life they truly deserve.    

    Her achievements:

    • Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (California Hypnosis Institute, USA)
    • Advance Hypnotic Techniques & Modalities such as Past Life Therapy, Age Regression, Inner Child Healing, Shadow Work, Birth Matrix Reimprinting
    • Womb Regression, Life Between Lives (California Hypnosis Institute, USA)
    • Fertility, Sexuality, Behavioural Issues & Medical Concepts (California)
    • Hypnosis Institute, (USA)
    • Serenity Surrender (Basic, Paver, Harmonizing Masculine Feminine,
    • Evolution, Advanced Evolution Cycle, etc.
    • Law of Attraction, Reiki (William Lee Rand Lineage), Theta Meditation,
    • Mindfulness, Chakra Healing, and many more

    About Her Workshops:
    Her workshops are designed to touch every 
    the facet of human experience. The curriculum of each workshop is optimized for profound personal growth that has the potential to shift the limiting beliefs and embryonic perception of Self, to imbibe the unlimited potential of the Soul. By combining the eureka of Mind - Body - Spirit trinity, massive spiritual awakening, and growth can be experienced. Each module is designed to harmonize physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies and to bring the Soul in alignment with its higher purpose. 

    1. Healing with Akashic Intelligence – Learn tools to release the Past Life Karma
    2. Digging Deep – Clear traumatic life events registered in the subconscious mind and heal your life
    3. Manifesting Abundance – Know your Life Purpose and resolve 24 blocks to abundance
    4. Conscious Parenting – Free Self and the generations to come from Ancestral Karma
    5. Transforming Relationships – Resolve relationship conflicts
    6. Balancing Yin & Yang Within – Women only self-empowerment workshop to release societal comparisons and limitations of gender
    7. Dealing with Duality – Toolkit to speed up Spiritual Evolution
    8. Transcendence – Going beyond the physical dimensions
    9. Diseases & Disorders – Identifying the root cause of your physical symptoms and healing the physical body by harmonizing mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

    Mentorship Program:
    1. Healing Circle:
    Students may avail free membership to be a part of the Healing Circle. Apart from mentoring the students during their healing process, this membership includes invites for Meetups & Partner Healing Sessions that are organized to support
    the members through their journey called Life.           

    2. Personal Coaching:
    Students can avail of individual membership for short duration, generally 1-3 months. Includes personal therapy sessions and one-to-one coaching to stride over a persisting issue. 

    3. Therapy:
    Open for nonstudents, this monthly membership is an SOS, to help people through challenging times.


  • The School for Reengineering Consciuosness, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi, India


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