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Sarita Vihar
Sarita Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi, India
Rs 11000
Taking Your Life from the Ordinary To The Extraordinary!
Akashic Intelligence is the Consciousness of your existence since the time of the inception of your Soul that you are not yet aware of.
*Discover Your Soul's Journey Through Akashic Records.*
Learn one of the best tool ls to heal your life!
Become a Practitioner For Akashic Records Readings.
Join us for this fascinating Journey To Discover Your Soul's Journey Through The Akashic Records.
Empower and Enhance your Well-Being by facilitating soul-level transformation in self and others through Akashic Records Basic Practitioner Program. Discover Your Akashic Records for Personal and Professional Development. Don't miss this chance to train with the leader in the field of Akashic Records for growth & transformation. If you know in your heart that you are here to shift your life experience from Ordinary to Extraordinary and to make an effective, powerful difference in the lives of others and the world, consider this invitation. The infinite light shines through you in a unique and brilliant fashion. You have both the privilege and responsibility to become your optimal vibrant self. This is your time to become more radiant than ever!
Share the transformational riches of spiritual practice in the Akashic Records Process And Ascend in your own personal journey. Enrich your understanding, cultivate your connection with your own Records, discover your Connection through the Akasha, develop and refine your skills including your receptivity, discernment, and ability to work with others. This program is perfect for you, Whether you :
1. Use the records as stand-alone spiritual resources for personal empowerment and consciousness development.
2. Access the Records to complement to your already existing practices.
3. Have a deep desire to heal self and others.
1. Know why you are facing the same situations, problems, people.
2. What is my Soul’s purpose?
3. Why am I always ill?
4. Who am I?
5. Am I on the right path?
6. Am I in the right location?
7. Am I in the right relationship?
8. What is my purpose on Earth at this time?
9. Why can’t I heal? Why have I attracted a particular disease or a disorder?
10. What is wrong with me?
11. What emotional scars am I carrying around?
12. What karmic debts do I need to pay?
13. Know the reasons for current issues in relationships
14. Find reasons for recurring life patterns
15. Know your Life/Soul Journey.
16. Awakening Of Your Soul.
17. Complete Your Past Karma Journey of Your Soul.
18. Take your Soul on Golden Path To abundance and spiritual development.
✓ Certificate Of Participation
✓ Manual, Intuitive cards deck for cosmic guidance, crystal pendulum, stationary, Lunch & 2 teas both days.*
Take a moment, consult your inner wisdom, honor your Truth and take empowering action to heal your life!
Karishma Manchanda is a Fitness Instructor for your Soul
Master Trainer & Spiritual Life Coach
Karishma is an MBA Grad, with over a decade of corporate experience. After designing countless training programs for corporates, she now conducts various courses that can help people re-write their life script. Karishma is also a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist ( California Hypnosis Institute, USA) and is well versed with concepts of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Past Life Therapy, Age Regression, Inner Child Healing, Birth Matrix Reimprinting, Energy Medicine, Theta Healing, Serenity Surrender, Chakra Balancing, Reiki, NLP, etc.
Her zest to understand more on Life Script has led her to explore deeper concepts of Life Between Lives and study Soul Contracts. Her passion to help people heal themselves made her develop a series of workshops that have the power to transform and empower them to live the life they truly deserve.
Her achievements:
About Her Workshops:
Her workshops are designed to touch every
the facet of human experience. The curriculum of each workshop is optimized for profound personal growth that has the potential to shift the limiting beliefs and embryonic perception of Self, to imbibe the unlimited potential of the Soul. By combining the eureka of Mind - Body - Spirit trinity, massive spiritual awakening, and growth can be experienced. Each module is designed to harmonize physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies and to bring the Soul in alignment with its higher purpose.
1. Healing with Akashic Intelligence – Learn tools to release the Past Life Karma
2. Digging Deep – Clear traumatic life events registered in the subconscious mind and heal your life
3. Manifesting Abundance – Know your Life Purpose and resolve 24 blocks to abundance
4. Conscious Parenting – Free Self and the generations to come from Ancestral Karma
5. Transforming Relationships – Resolve relationship conflicts
6. Balancing Yin & Yang Within – Women only self-empowerment workshop to release societal comparisons and limitations of gender
7. Dealing with Duality – Toolkit to speed up Spiritual Evolution
8. Transcendence – Going beyond the physical dimensions
9. Diseases & Disorders – Identifying the root cause of your physical symptoms and healing the physical body by harmonizing mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
Mentorship Program:
1. Healing Circle:
Students may avail free membership to be a part of the Healing Circle. Apart from mentoring the students during their healing process, this membership includes invites for Meetups & Partner Healing Sessions that are organized to support
the members through their journey called Life.
2. Personal Coaching:
Students can avail of individual membership for short duration, generally 1-3 months. Includes personal therapy sessions and one-to-one coaching to stride over a persisting issue.
3. Therapy:
Open for nonstudents, this monthly membership is an SOS, to help people through challenging times.
"Excellent workshop. Awesome tools. I feel 2 days is less to absorb and fully appreciate everything. Of course, you are an awesome trainer as well. Only the reference material needs to be improved and more follow up sessions need to build on the concepts learnt. It was fun learning from you! Great job!"
Delhi, India
"Overall very good. enjoyed it very much. Very informative and enlightening. "
Delhi, India
""A self revealing and crystal clear orientation of the workshop. Karishma is so full of the creators energy. She flows through the tools and techniques of the event. It was a consistently practical session which took me back to the self. Amazing experience.""
Delhi, India
""Everything about the workshop seemed to be logical and meaningful. The trainer was absolutely clear about all the concepts and explained even tricky concepts in simple terms. Many many questions were asked by the group and Karishma was able to clear all the doubts. She gave personal attention to each and every person. Could not find any flaw.""
Uttar Pradesh, India
"I attended Healing with Akashic Records. I was surprised to realize how our thoughts and core beliefs create our reality. What more surprised me is how these events are registered in our cellular memory and passed from one generation to another. Intrigued to understand more, I also took personal therapy session with her. Aakshic records reveal so much more than i thought I would have ever known about my Soul journey!"
Delhi, India
"It is amazing how the trainer links up Science and Psychology with Soul and Karma. "
Delhi, India
"The workshop blew up so many areas I need to work upon, most of which were alien to me and I could never understand where the core issues were hiding. Thank You so much for enlightening us."
Uttar Pradesh, India
"The workshop was self-revealing. The concepts were easy and made crystal clear by the Trainer. Karishma is amazing, she is full of creator's energy. Amazing that she is! The workshop was consistently practical, full of hands-on exercises. Loved every bit of it!"
Delhi, India
"Workshop was good. It was knowledgeable and brought awareness in me."
Delhi, India
"Workshop was worth attending. It was a great insight but being a student i need to work upon myself."
Delhi, India
"I was to so many things which i have never touched upon during my other healing classes. Karishma was very clear about the topics and she answered to each questions of ours which was her being very patient. I have not seen this in my other teachers, Thank you!!!"
Delhi, India
"It was very informative and reflective for me. I was able to recognize my belief and thought pattern which are not serving me. I must apply the things learnt in the workshop."
Delhi, India
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