About Mr. Surender Healer Kumar

He is a postgraduate in physics. This helps him to analyze any situation logically and scientifically. He applies all his scientific skills to research on Reiki. He uses various techniques like Angel Therapy, White Dragon Therapy, Magic Reiki, etc. to heal a situation or a person, make them a positive thinker, and to find their inner joy.

After learning Reiki he saw its amazing results on physical, mental, and emotional levels. He believes that everyone is eligible to have an abundance of health and wealth through Reiki. A humanitarian by heart, he uses Reiki for the betterment of humankind. He has chosen to dedicate his life to the spiritual healing of society. He always conducts his sessions by putting his faith in the universal life force energy.

According to him, Reiki is about love and light. The universe takes care of you, once you open your eyes to see the unseen. He is a motivational guide. He has also done his Master's Diploma in Sujok (Acupressure).


    Therapy Session Name Type Duration Cost(₹)
    Yoga New Age Yoga Group Session 1 Hour 1000
    Reschedule Policy
    Reschedule Allowed? - Yes (You can reschedule this session maximum 1 times )
    Cancellation and Refund Policy
    Cancellation Allowed? - Yes
    Refund Rules:-
    20 percent of amount will be refunded if cancellation is done 10 days before session start
    5 percent of amount will be refunded if cancellation is done 1 days before session start
    Acupressure Therapy Healing Touch One-on-One 1 Hour 43 Minutes 200
    Reschedule Policy
    Reschedule Allowed? - Yes (You can reschedule this session maximum 2 times )
    Cancellation and Refund Policy
    Cancellation Allowed? - Yes
    Refund Rules:-
    5 percent of amount will be refunded if cancellation is done 2 days before session start
    100 fixed of amount will be refunded if cancellation is done 1 hours before session start



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