Our lives have come to a standstill again. The re-emergence of an old enemy has wreaked havoc all around and put all of us in a position where we seriously need to question where we are going wrong. Keeping this in mind, Life positive brings to you an insightful May 2021 issue which will make you think deeply, learn truly and re-build yourself. The lead story ‘Freedom from Pain’ emphasises on the need to forgive, in order to attain spiritual growth and be happy and at peace in life. Keeping the legacy of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother alive, Roy Posner explains the concept of changing our inner life to manifest a beautiful outer life in the Close Encounter. ‘Knowing your True colour’ is a hard-hitting yet beautiful account of Anouchka Blessed who asserts how she is much more than the colour of her skin or a citizen of a country. The article ‘Love and Respect’ highlights how Love cannot last without Respect. ‘A Dog’s Tale’ is a beautiful journey of a dog which will teach