Tarot Card Understanding - A Practical Approach to Self Discovery
The answers to all your questions lie within you. You just have to overcome the obstacles that cloud your vision and dive into the deep ocean of your subconscious mind. Tarot card understanding is the first step towards overcoming this obstacle. But living amid materialism can be challenging, as our senses are constantly drawn towards external pleasures.
It is important to look within and search for the wisdom and knowledge that will reveal your true self. We go looking for answers outside with the hope that we may find an easy way out of all our problems. As a first step, we need to let go of our inhibitions and find means to broaden our perspective towards life.
We may have dismissed the idea the moment we have may see ‘free tarot reading’. Some may even consider it to be just another hoax of mysterious predictions. But there is more to it than meets the eyes.
What does Tarot truly mean?
- The first step towards tarot card understanding is to know what lies in these readings. Tarot card readings can be referred to as the pathway to realizing our fullest potential.
- Tarot is a deck of 78 symbolic cards that serve as a guide to self-introspection and self-discovery
- Our unrealistic expectations when left unfulfilled lead to pain and suffering. We find ourselves searching for someone to heal us and help us be happy again
- Tarot can be considered a conduit to help us seek the healer within and help us grow. If gaining perspective is all we need in life, then Tarot can help us do just that.
- Tarot is not magic. The magic already lies within every one of us but is rusted and burned with superficial wants and desires
- Tarot card readings involve no promises, no predictions but are a mirror, a message.
How does Tarot help?
- Tarot card readings do nothing if we choose to and everything if we want to. This is where keeping an open mind free of biased opinions is required for gaining tarot card understanding
- It helps us gain a wider perspective into our lives, reflect on our higher self, and ask the right questions.
- It helps us in our journey to find the real answers to who we are and what we want from life.
- Everything in the Universe is energy and a lot of our mundane problems in life arise due to blocked energy.
- Releasing this blocked energy and unraveling the mysteries that lie within, can help us gain a deeper understanding and broader perspective. It can help us in getting to know our true selves and our higher purpose in life.
- Whether we are struggling with a relationship, work, family or just trying to make sense of it all, a free online tarot can help us tap into our inner energy.
- There are no quick fixes or short cuts; the journey to self-discovery is a long and ardent one. One has to be persistent and patient to make meaning of it all. No half-hearted efforts can take us there
- We may not always find the answers we want, but we will for sure get the answers we need.
Is Tarot for me?
- Tarot card understanding is important. Tarot card readings do not make any false claims and are not for the weak and narrow-minded. It is in fact for the spiritual seekers, the free thinkers, and the divine believers.
- It is for those on the path of self-discovery willing to uncover their higher self and create their destiny. A tarot reading can give them the sneak peek into their subconscious minds.
- Your subconscious mind is the place where all of the jewels of the ultimate treasure truly lie. Most of us have given up on the journey to find this treasure while we invest our energies on materialistic pursuits.
- It is when the limitations of the outside world cause us discomfort and sadness do we turn around and choose the path of boundless glory.
- We have to decide the roadmap to our destination. It is up to us to nurture our lives that will serve our best interests.
The conclusion to Tarot card understanding
- The expedition of healing oneself begins within. We are our biggest healers. Tarot readings are the mirrors through which we get a glimpse of our soul.
- What we interpret is what we will ultimately manifest. The mind plays the biggest role in this whole conquest. We can be the biggest obstacles in all the uncovering.
- Shuffling tarot cards and laying out a spread may just be the map leading us to envision ourselves from a different lens. A lens that is clear of the clutters of external stimuli. One that is unbiased and non-judgmental allowing us to delve into a world of trusting ourselves, uncovering layers, and finding the truth that lies beneath it all.
- So shuffle up your cards and let the un-shuffling begin.
About the Author
Karen Rego is a content contributor at Life Positive. She is a law graduate and has previously worked in corporate law for 10 years. She is currently a certified yoga trainer (RYT 500) and has completed her advanced teachers' training in yoga education from The Yoga Insitute - the oldest organized center of yoga in the world.