8 Signs you Need Angel Healing Immediately in Life
More often than not, our bodies and mind give us signs for angel healing. It indicates we need some kind of divine intervention and healing. This divine intervention is nothing but healing in the form of our guardian angel’s love, compassion, support, guidance, and protection. Let us take a look at a few signs that validate that you need angel healing therapy.
1. You are suddenly low on energy - physically and emotionally
Have you sometimes felt on top of the world on some days and then there are days when you are absolutely low on energy?
Well, this is common and natural with most of us. That’s life. But more often than not, this low energy can be because of a psychic attack, i.e., negative energies of people and situations around us.
There are even a few people around whom you simply do not get good and positive vibes. All these negative energies around us cause energy blocks around and inside of us. These energy blocks deplete our energy and make us susceptible to psychic attacks and other negativities. These can prove to be harmful to our emotional, mental, and physical health.
Angels are able to pretty much heal anything, including energy blocks and negative emotional energies. Since angels are composed of divine energy and light, they are always connected with the cosmic universal energy. So, if your chakras are blocked or imbalanced, you can ask your angels to help you release negative emotions and energies.
2. You are emotionally and mentally disturbed - one of the biggest signs for angel healing
Emotional and mental disturbance of any type is again a play of energy imbalances.
Energy imbalances create disturbance in the energy field. This kind of disturbance is one of the signs of angel healing needs. It indicates you need clearing and balancing of energy.
Angel card reading and angel healing therapy can help you find out the real cause of the disturbance in the energy field and, thus, help in healing.
For example, your guardian angels can guide you to steer away from certain people and situations to be able to have positivity around you and avoid negativity around you. Angel healing therapy is highly effective with emotional healing and can help tremendously in the release of pent-up negative energies and emotions.
3. You are struggling with a past trauma
Any adverse or traumatizing event in life can lead to pent-up negative emotions and energies in your body and mind (conscious and subconscious). It, then, becomes important to address feelings and emotions associated with that particular event.
Angel healing, first of all, helps you identify the event that caused you trauma. Then an efficient angel healing therapy practitioner can help you connect with your unconscious mind to go to the core of that past event and come to terms with what happened, accept it, even learn from it and ultimately let go.
In this way, if you are suffering from any past trauma, it is one of the signs for angel healing needs. In fact, you must undergo angel healing therapy immediately. Such therapy would be highly effective in this case.
4. You are suffering from deep-seated, chronic emotional and/or physical pain
Chronic pains are also a result of pent-up negative emotions and energy blocks. At times, they could be signs of angel healing.
Even chronic physical pains and illnesses are a result of stagnant and imbalanced energies in our energy body. These energy imbalances manifest as physical pains, illnesses, and diseases.
So, if you are suffering from any chronic pain or illness, then angel healing therapy can come to your rescue. By getting to the root cause of your energy block, your guardian angels guide you on the path to restoration of balance in your energies.
5. You want to connect with your inner self
Many of our emotions as well as physical problems in life are when we are out of tune with ourselves.
In fact, not loving ourselves and not taking care of our soul can propel us towards a vicious cycle of regrets, guilt, self-loathing, self- criticism, and low self-esteem. This could be one of the signs of angel healing. To be able to overcome all these blocks and bumps in life, we need to be aware of and be in tune and balance with our own inner selves.
Angel healing therapy is highly relaxing and helps you connect with your inner self.
6. Looking for your life path and soul purpose
Your guardian angels have access to your entire life and know you inside out.
They know your past, present, and future. They are, thus, able to offer a complete and comprehensive perspective on your life. Angels have no restrictions as to time and space as they are from a higher plane and dimension. Angels are able to see you grow and evolve in your life. They are, in fact, part to the evolutions of your soul.
Angel healing in the form of angel card reading can help you get on your true life path and soul purpose. They can provide helpful and accurate guidance for you to be able to grow, evolve, and achieve your highest potential in life.
So, if you are struggling with finding your life calling and purpose, this is one of the signs of angel healing. Angel healing therapy can be of help.
7. You are looking at embarking on a spiritual journey
Guardian angels operate on higher spiritual planes and realms. They are connected directly with the divine universal life force energy and light. They are, in fact, this energy themselves. When you develop signs for angel healing, they come to help you.
I believe being spiritual is being balanced and in tune with the harmony of all existence. Angel healing therapy is able to provide this balance and, hence, helps you embark on a spiritual journey. It helps expand your spiritual awareness and develop your intuitive and perceptive powers.
Angel healing can, in fact,, help you connect with the divine energy of love and compassion and, thus, help you in your spiritual growth and evolution.
An angel healing therapy session is a highly spiritual experience that leaves one with feelings of peace, balance, happiness, and harmony.
8. You simply want to improve any area of your life
Your guardian angels and, thus, angel healing can help you improve almost all areas of your life by providing you divine guidance and love.
Whether it be love, relationships, career, business, finances, money, health, well-being, angel healing can help you achieve balance in all these areas by their divine knowledge. Healing angels prayer simply helps you channelize and direct the healing energy to any and all areas of life as required. The key is tuning in, being aware of, believing in, and having faith in this healing.
So, all the above are some signs for angel healing therapy. Whenever you feel any of the above, do try and reach out to a professional angel healing therapy practitioner. If not, you could also do a simple exercise yourself to be able to feel the healing presence of your divine guardian angels.
Signs for angel healing: Feel the presence of your angels
- Sit in a relaxed posture with your eyes closed and with your hands on your laps. Keep your palms facing upwards.
- Enter a relaxed state by taking a few deep breaths.
- Call upon and invoke your guardian angels to come and visit you. Request them to be present and to connect with you.
- Then request your guardian angels to allow you to feel their divine presence. When your guardian angels visit you and are present, you might feel various sensations. This can be a tingling sensation, warm or cool breeze. You may also feel an overwhelming sense of peace and calmness. Some people also see colorful energies and beings as well as points of light.
- Be in the presence of and with these angels and energies for as long as you might feel appropriate or your signs for angel healing go away.
- Once you feel comfortable with the angels’ presence and energy, request and ask for healing or guidance for whatever it is that you are looking for.
- Then when you are done, open your eyes slowly.
- Thank you, divine guardian angels, to have assisted, guided, and healed you.
Angel Healing Therapy - more amazing things
Angel Healing is a spiritual method of healing and involves working with one’s archangels and guardian angels. An attuned (spiritually and energetically) individual can connect very well with angels and can get signs for angel healing for other people.
Other individuals can work with an angel therapy practitioner to be able to get signs and messages from their guardian angels. This is done by the angel therapy practitioner or angel card reader with the help of reading the angel cards. These angel card readers can channelize these angels, as well as your pass, loves ones. These signs and messages from your guardian angels are then used by the angel therapy healer to heal various emotional, psychological, mental as well as physical problems and issues you may be going through in your life.
Angels are protectors and messengers. They are also energy healers. So, when you find signs for angel healing, they actually want to help you. Angels radiate unconditional love, guidance, compassion, forgiveness and shining divine light or divine energy. Angels are, in fact, made of the universal divine life force and healing energy. Therein lies their healing power.
The good thing is that your guardian angels are always helping you with or without knowing (signs from angels). The best part is that you can also always reach out to your guardian angels for love, guidance, and support.
Angels are, in fact, always waiting to be called and will appear and be there for you when you call on them. So, as soon as you detect signs for angel healing, call them.
Angel healing therapy – Why do it?
As per angel card readers and angel healing therapy practitioners, all of us have our guardian angels.
Experts believe that connecting with our guardian angels can help in bringing us more peace and fulfillment in life. Our guardian angels are exactly that – guardian angels!
They guard and protect us, guide us, and show us the right path. Guardian angels are believed to provide guidance in various areas in life – relationships, finances and money, career, health, goals and life purpose and more. Guardian angels are more like our helpers who help us in our every-day life as well as in the larger picture in life. They are like our friends in that they are always there for us and like our family in that they care for us and protect us.
When you encounter signs for angel healing, the therapy helps in healing various past traumas, phobias, negative feelings and emotions, and even physical problems. Your guardian angels help you restore health, balance, and harmony of your body, mind, and soul.
The beautiful part is...
The most beautiful part about angel healing therapy is that it comes from within you. Connecting with your angels helps you develop your own intuition and wisdom and connects you with the universal cosmic energy. So, it is actually you doing all the work to change and transform for the better, with guidance from your guardian angels!
Angel healing therapy is a beautiful healing and co-creative experience for both the therapist and the receiver of therapy. Today, there are various professional and certified angel healing therapy practitioners available. They help you catch signs for angel healing and aid in healing you.
If you observe these signs for angel healing, then do reach out to such a practitioner. Angel healing therapy will help heal any current issues and problems you might be facing in various aspects of your lives. It will also help you embark on a beautiful spiritual journey with faith and belief as cornerstones. Angel healing therapy can not only help you grow tremendously, but also bring out the highest potential in you. Let the angel energy heal you to good health and well-being!
So reach out to an angel healing practitioner today and experience the beauty of the angelic realm. Experience the benefits of angel healing therapy by booking a session near you.
Author Bio:
Shilpi Goel is a content curator, writer, and an avid reader. She is a Reiki master healer and an aspiring life coach. Having experienced tremendous personal and professional growth Shilpi feels passionately about sharing her learning with others. Being a firm believer in the fact that we all have the power to shape our destiny and life, Shilpi seeks to share her insights on spirituality, personal growth, holistic well-being, and on life in general!