This Powerful Technique Will Train Your Subconscious Mind
Contributed by :Mrs. Archana Rajendra Kulkarni
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The subconscious mind governs our life. Memories, beliefs, perceptions, and repressed emotions, which we store in our subconscious mind, run our lives and keep creating problems for us.
When we deal with such past memories, repressed emotions, wrong perceptions or wrong beliefs, or release emotions or feelings of a traumatic experience, our subconscious mind cannot create a similar problem again. Because the reason or root cause, which was acting as the seed, is no more there in the subconscious mind.
Example of how your subconscious controls you
If, during childhood, you wanted a toy and your father denied to buy it. You forgot that incidence. But you wanted the toy badly.
As a child, if you perceive that "my father doesn't love me", then that perception goes into the subconscious mind - the storehouse of all the information.
Now, because you have stored this perception, which acts as a seed, in the future whenever you ask anything from your father, you will have the same experience. And your perception of your father will be reinforced. This will keep creating problems between you and your father.
During hypnotherapy, I use various techniques to reach out to the child who, for the first time, felt that "my father doesn't love me."
I help the child release that wrong perception and restore the original love from the father.
So, now when that wrong perception is not there and love is there in the subconscious mind, your subconscious mind will now create loving situations between you and your father.
Hypnosis is used only to reach out to the subconscious mind. Because consciously you may not remember the incidence or you may remember it, but may not be aware of how that incidence is creating problems between you and your father.
The more vividly you remember the incidence, the more it is guaranteed that it is creating problems. Because of the roots of the problem area in the subconscious mind, you cannot resolve it through conscious efforts. That's why hypnotherapy is so important.
Embrace hypnotherapy without fear
There is nothing to be afraid of about hypnosis or hypnotherapy. Myths and questions on hypnotherapy surround people. But, I would say that this is one of the friendliest therapies through which you can resolve your issues.
And now there is also an opportunity to learn those techniques. By learning hypnotherapy, you will not only be able to change your own life but also create a very good career for yourself and guide others to change their lives too.
Address your past and change your current life...!!!