Is Life Grand? Re-engineer your Consciousness to Know
Contributed by :Ms. Karishma Manchanda
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I often ask this question during my workshops, “Is Life Grand or Not?”
While most resonate their lives with their emotions, their stories, and their challenges, life is always grand! Life is a gift of the Divine.
It is the energy of the Creator flowing through its Creation, the physical manifestation of the Divine soul. As humans, we perceive that we don’t have any control over our lives.
Think and become
Many of the Gurus and therapists believe that our emotions dictate our actions and our actions create more emotions.
However, in my opinion, it all starts with a single thought.
It is the thought that arises as a response to a situation. It is the thought that can make life grand or vice versa. The thought that has been thought over multiple times becomes our belief. Based on our beliefs, we develop an emotional response to a situation, which, in turn, may yield our reaction to an action. And just like we need guidance for yoga, meditation or any other popular healing technique, we need someone to guide us through the journey of life, expanding our awareness beyond the physical… into our true state of experiencing transcendence.
We must deep dive into our transcendental existence and draw many concepts and unique experiences that are capable of catapulting spiritual development. Adopting unique techniques taught in state-of-the-art workshops across the world and combining them with a wider perception of consciousness, massive shifts in our energetic states can be experienced.
Many people who join our workshops report therapeutic effects on their mental, emotional and even physical states. This may be so because when we are able to elevate our soul’s evolution many miraculous effects are witnessed in other bodies of holistic existence.
Re-engineering consciousness
Whether be it karma stemming out of our past lives or a self-limiting belief system adopted during this lifetime from our parents, caretakers, ancestors, society or even superstitious practices; our workshops serve as a school to reengineer consciousness for all.
Manifesting a 360-degree transformation is possible and is the way of life for participants of our workshop. The idea is to make life grand.
It’s important to believe in your work and I genuinely believe that we are being the spark of the Creator ourselves and have an infinite potential lying dormant, waiting to be explored. By going inwards, we find miraculous ways of healing self, others and, thus, the planet at large. The true authentic expression of each one of us is not the physical body or the ego we recognize ourselves with, but the eternal spiritual beings that we are. We are capable of miraculous healing and unlimited power to manifest all that we desire.
Changing your frequency to make life grand
By shifting the perception from living in a fear-based situation to vibrating at a ‘Love or Above’ frequency, we can explore the truth of our existence. This, in turn, brings massive shifts in our lives.
There will be millions of calculations, debits, credits, adjustments, compromises, sacrifices, and blessings that would have made you who you are today. If you can only see the number that you are, you are bound to compare yourself with other numbers around you and feel less or more.
If you are happy with yourself, you’ll fear to lose that position.
If you feel you are less, you’ll try to add more to yourself.
Thus, life always seems to be a struggle to feel good about oneself according to standards set by external factors. This leaves no time for a person to appreciate who they are.
Do you know 'you'?
We always deny our shadow-self, for we think once we reveal our authentic self, we will lose out on the approval of others who perceive us to be good.
We fear rejection, we fear abandonment… realizing little that each serves as an element for us to evolve through and realize our true innate connection with the Divine, being the spark of the Creator ourselves.
We fail to recognize that we are perfect just as we are and all that needs to be done is to make the ‘choice’ of being our true authentic self and allow the Creator to emanate through us. Our conscious mind helps us deal with life every single day. It plays an important role in making life grand.
While the fight or flight instinct is innate to our existence, most of the trauma is registered in the subconscious mind in a situation where we freeze ourselves.
Our past life memories remain registered in our unconscious mind – the arena most of us are not even aware of. While the beliefs that we inculcate in this lifetime remain stored in our subconscious mind, our super-conscious mind still remembers its innate connection with the Divine.
We remember instances from our past life or have some unresolved problems that create chaos in the current version of our existence. As we are born again, our sub-conscious mind carries over its thoughts and memories. The sub-conscious is huge and ever revealing since it reflects the infinite journey of the soul
Even science has proven that we are all energy and everything that exists is vibrating at a different frequency.
At a soul level, our subconscious mind registers each experience as a memory that is waiting to be remembered and resolved.
Going beyond the five senses
While our mind is programmed to believe only in what can be experienced through the five physical senses, the sixth sense and other Clair senses are vital to experience healing beyond the physical, to make life grand.
We must realize the expanse of your journey and how those millions of small experiences spread out over time have converged to form us in this present moment. Once we do this, the need to compare ourselves with others and to demean ourselves will simply drift away.
A past memory whether it is from the childhood of current life or past lives is just an experience that the energies couldn’t accept or imbibe due to the sheer intensity of the emotions involved. Like a detective, it retraces the steps to solve a mystery. Our past life’s memories do exist somewhere in our sub-conscious mind.
Proof of past lives
American psychiatrist Ian Stevenson worked for the University of Virginia School of Medicine for 50 years and did extensive work with children (most of them under five) who could recall their past lives. He even visited homes and situations of these children’s past lives to ensure the accounts were credible.
Like him, there are numerous experts who have studied the cases of reincarnation including Dr. Jim B. Tucker. However, the biggest evidence is that when one is healed of their past life memories, their lives start changing to an extent that their medical reports change, and they are sometimes healed from things that medical sciences could neither diagnose nor resolve.
Louise Hay, Anita Munjani, and several other people have published accounts of their experiences through their subtle energies that healed them of cancer and other such diseases to complete astonishment of their medical practitioners.
Our thoughts and emotions are signals or expressions from our sub-conscious mind to our conscious, conveying what’s happening inside. Our consciousness today is the final number that represents the turnover on our soul’s balance sheet.
And in this wonderful time of massive shifts, it is easier than ever for our souls to shed off the old limiting paradigm and move into a brand-new avatar.
So, if you wish to revamp your life to manifest love and abundance if you wish to make your life grand, the first step is to re-engineer your consciousness and own your personal responsibility to make wiser choices! It is only when we abandon our 'being a victim' mentality, own our shadow self and 'become the creator of our own destiny', that the Law of Attraction truly starts to align in our highest best.
Remember, the Universe cannot do anything for you that it cannot do through you… Life is grand, indeed. Live it; you will know!